Schrack Yangın Algılama ve İhbar Sistemi Ürünleri

Ürün KoduÜrün Tanımlaması (İngilizce)
1- Integral EvoxX M
B8-SCUB8 Integral EvoxX M basic version Cabinet with full door
B8-SCU-CB8 Integral EvoxX M basic version with cut-out incl. B8-CII
B8-SCU-CPB8 Integral EvoxX M basic version Cabinet incl. B8-CII & printer
B8-SCU-CP4LB8 Integral EvoxX M basic version Cabinet incl. B8-CII & printer & 4 ext.zones
B8-SCU-WCABB8 Integral EvoxX M basic vers. IP55 Grey cabinet with glass door
B8-STS-BGTB8 Rack Integral EvoxX M incl. B8-PSU, B8-BUS, B5-MCUA, battery case
B8-UGKB8 Upgrade Kit incl. BGT, MCU, PSU, BUS, BSR
B8-MCUB8-MCU Master Control Unit
2- Integral EvoxX C
B9-X2B9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet with full door, 2-loop
B9-X2-CB9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII, 2-loop
B9-X2-CPB9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & printer, 2 loop
B9-X2-CP1LB9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & printer & 1 ext.zones
B9-X2-C1LB9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & 1 ext.zones
B9-X1F-CB9 Integral EvoxX C basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII, 1-Loop
B9-UGK-X2B9 Upgrade Kit 2-Loop incl. B9-BCU-X2, B9-PSU, cover
B9-BCU-X2B9-BCU-X2 Master control unit
B9-BCU-X1FB9-BCU-X1F Master control unit
3- Integral EvoxX B
B10-X1-CB10 Integral EvoxX B incl. power supply
B10-CPU-X1B10-CPU-X1 Master control unit incl. power supply
4- Accessories
KAB USB 3 MINIUSB cable 3m, plug USB A / plug Mini USB B
KAB USB 5 MINIUSB cable 5m, plug USB A / plug Mini USB B
5- Integral IP MX
B5-CABIntegral MX cabinet empty red housing
B5-CBEIntegral MX battery cabinet red housing
B5-CTRIntegral MX top hat rail cab. red housing
B5-SCUB5 Integral MX basic version Cabinet with full door
B5-SCU-CB5 Integral MX basic version Cabinet with cut-out
B5-SCU-CPB5 Integral MX basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer
B5-SCU-CP-EAT32B5 Integral MX basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer & 32 det. zones
B5-SCU-CP4LB5 Integral MX basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer & 4 ext.zones
B5-SCU-IP55B5 Integral MX basic version IP55
B5-SCUAB5A Integral MX basic version Cabinet with full door
B5-SCUA-CB5A Integral MX basic version with cut-out incl. B8-CII
B5-SCUA-CPB5A Integral MX basic version Cabinet incl. B8-CII & printer
B5-SCUA-CP-EAT32B5A Integral MX basic version Cabinet incl. B8-CII + 32 det. Zones
B5-SCUA-CP4LB5A Integral MX basic version Cabinet incl. B8-CII & printer & 4 ext.zones
B5-SCUA-IP55B5A Integral MX basic versIP55 Grey cabinet with glass door
6- Integral IP MX standing floor cabinet
B5-STS-AFBattery case for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-BF-2Front panel f. MAP and HE-BF for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-BFP-2Front plate without cut-out for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-BFP2-2Front blanking plate narrow for installtion in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-BGTB5 Rack Integral incl. B5-PSU, B5-BUS, B5-MCU, battery case
B5-STS-BGTAB5A Rack Integral incl. B8-PSU, B8-BUS, B5-MCUA, battery case
B5-STS-CAT5Cat5 cable with plug for B5-NETx
B5-STS-EAT64-2Front plate with EAT64 for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-IPEL-2Front plate with IPEL for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-KLTerminal block for connection of the voltage supply
B5-STS-MMIMMI-BUS cable with plug between MMI-BUS subscribers
B5-STS-MMI-SUBMMI-BUS cable with plug BAF/PSU - MMI-BUS subscribers
B5-STS-PR-2Front plate with printer for installation in 19" standing cabinet
B5-STS-SCUNetwork cable with plug for B3-LPI or B3-USI4
B5-STS-SECONETNetwork cable with plug for B3-USI4
B8-STS-CIP-DE-2Front plate with MAP panel for installation in 19" standing cabinet, DE
B8-STS-MMI-BAFMMI-connection cable f. B8-BAF 19" rack
STS-LIntegral standing cabinet LE
STS-RIntegral standing cabinet RE
7- Integral IP MX operating panel MAP
B5-CIIB5 Operat. panel MAP internal without lettering plate
B8-CIIB8 Operat. panel MAP internal without lettering plate
MAPTXT-RA EN01MAP Lettering plate english
MAPTXT-RA FR01MAP Lettering plate french
MAPTXT-RA TR01MAP Lettering plate turkish
8- Integral IP MX modules
B3-DCI6B3-DCI6 Direct Current Module
B3-DTI2B3-DTI2 Dialogue Interface for Maxima Dialogue technology
B3-IM8B3-IM8 Monitored inputs
B3-LPIB3-LPI Module for SCU loop
B3-MMI-UIOUIO Universal In/Output Module
B3-MTI8B3-MTI8 Monologue Module
B3-REL10B3-REL10 Relay module incl. connectors
B3-REL16B3-REL16 Relay Module incl. connectors
B3-REL16ERelay module f. incl. connectors
B3-USI4B3-USI4 Univ.Serial Interface
B5-BAFB5-BAF Basic functions module
B5-DXI2B5-DXI2 Module for X-LINE
B5-LANB5-LAN Network Module 1x 100Base-TX
B5-MRI16B5-MRI16 Multi Function Relay Interface incl. Connectors
B5-NET2-FXMB5-NET2-FXM Network module 2x RS485, 2x 100Base-FXM, 2x 100Base-TX
B5-NET2-FXSB5-NET2-FXS Network module 2x RS485, 2x 100Base-FXS, 2x 100Base-TX
B5-OM8B5-OM8 Monitored Outputs
B8-BAFB8-BAF Basic functions module
B8-DCI6B8-DCI6 Direct Current Module
B8-DTI2B8-DTI2 Dialogue Interface for Maxima Dialogue technology
B8-DXI2B8-DXI2 Module for X-LINE
B8-IM8B8-IM8 Monitored inputs
B8-MRI16B8-MRI16 Multi Function Relay Interface incl. Connectors
B8-NET-FX8B8-NET-FX8 Network module
B8-NET2-485B8-NET2-485 Network module
B8-NET2-FX4B8-NET2-FX4 Network module
B8-NET4-485B8-NET4-485 Network Module
B8-OM8B8-OM8 Monitored Outputs
B8-SXI8B8-SXI8 Stub lines X-LINE
B8-USI4B8-USI4 Univ.Serial Interface
SFP-MODUL MMTransceiver for FX-modules Multimode up to 2 km, Duplex-LC plug
SFP-MODUL SMTransceiver for FX-modules Singlemode up to 10 km, Duplex-LC plug
SFP-MODUL SM 30Transceiver for FX-modules Singlemode up to 30 km, Duplex-LC plug
9- Integral IP MX accessories & spare parts
B3 SCHLOSSKey switch for Integral incl. 2 keys & cable
B5 BATKAB1B5 Battery cable set
B5 BATKAB2B5 Battery cable set (long)
B5 BFPFront blanking plate Integral
B5-BATH-SETB5 Battery Holder Set
B5-BUSB5-BUS Busprint
B5-DISTH-SETB5 Distance piece set
B5-MCUB5-MCU Master Control Unit
B5-MCUAB5-MCUA Master Control Unit
B5-PDR-COPrinter cover RAL 7016 anthracite gray with window and slot
B5-PDR-DWB5 Protocol printer mechanics incl. colour ribbon
B5-PIEAB5-PIEA Printer Interface f. protocol printer ext. operating panel
B5-PIFB5-PIF Printer Interface
B5-PSUB5-PSU Power Supply Unit
B5-RAIL 35Top hat rail 35mm
B5-UGKB3/B5 Upgrade Kit
B5-UGKAB5A Upgrade Kit incl. BGT, MCU, PSU, BUS, BSR
B8-BUSB8-BUS Busprint
B8-PSUB8-PSU Power Supply Unit
JUMP-IM8-110RJumper 110R for B3-IM8 PU = 8 Pcs.
JUMP-IM8-953RJumper 953R for B3-IM8
KAB MMI B8-BAFMMI-connection cable f. B8-BAF
KAB PSUBattery current measure cable
KAB SPCService PC Cable
PD PPRPaper roll f protocol printer W: 57mm, Outside: Ø 50mm, Center: Ø 12mm L: 50m
SCU KEY-2Key for grey housing and Extinguishing sector indicator
SCU LOCKLock for Integral cabinet for Integral IP MX/CX panels
SCU LOCK-2Lock for grey housing and Extinguishing sector indicator
ST-BAF-MMI-LConnector B3-BAF-MMI/L 9-pin
ST-BAF-OMConnector B3-BAF/OM f. monitored in-/outputs
ST-DCI6Connector for B3-DCI 6 18-pin
ST-DXI2B5-DXI2 connector
ST-LPI/USI4/HFIConnector B3-LPI/USI4/HFI 9-pin
ST-MTI8Connector f. B3-MTI8 a. B3-IM8 16-pin
ST-OM8Connector for B3/B5-OM8 16-pin
ST-PSU-FSB8-PSU connector
ST-SET BAFB8-BAF connector set
ST-SET REL10Connector B3-REL 10 FRONT head screw
ST-SET REL16Connector B3-REL 16 FRONT head screw
ST-SET SXI8B8-SXI8 connector set
ST-SET USI4Connector for B8-USI4
ST-USI4Connector B3-USI4 15-pin
10- Integral IP CX
B6-BCU-X1FAB6-BCU-X1FA Master Control U. 1-Loop & Firebrigade Interface
B6-BCU-X2AB6-BCU-X2A Master Control U. 2 Loops
B6-CABIntegral CX empty cabinet red housing
B6-CBEIntegral CX battery cabinet red housing
B6-CTRIntegral CX top hat rail cab. red housing
B6-X1F-CB6 Integral CXA basic version Cabinet with cut-out, 1-Loop
B6-X1F-CPB6 Integral CXA basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer, 1-Loop
B6-X1FA-CB6 Integral CXA basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII, 1-Loop
B6-X1FA-CPB6 Integral CXA basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII and printer, 1-Loop
B6-X2B6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet with full door, 2-loop
B6-X2-CB6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet with cut-out, 2-loop
B6-X2-C1LB6 Integral CXE basic version Cabinet with cut-out & 1 ext.zones
B6-X2-CPB6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer, 2 loop
B6-X2-CP1LB6 Integral CXE basic version Cabinet with cut-out & printer & 1 ext.zones
B6-X2AB6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet with full door, 2-loop
B6-X2A-CB6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII, 2-loop
B6-X2A-C1LB6 Integral CXE basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & 1 ext.zones
B6-X2A-CPB6 Integral CXF basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & printer, 2 loop
B6-X2A-CP1LB6 Integral CXE basic version Cabinet incl. B9-CII & printer & 1 ext.zones
11- Integral IP CX operating panel MAP
B6-CIIB6 Operat. panel MAP internal without lettering plate
B9-CIIB9 Operat. panel MAP internal without lettering plate
12- Integral IP CX modules
B4-USIB4-USI Univ. Serial Interface
B6-EIOB6-EIO input/output module
B6-LXI2B6-LXI expansion module 2x Loops X-LINE, 1x 100Base-TX
B6-NET2-485B6-NET2-485 Network module 2x RS485, 1x 100Base-TX
B6-NET2-FXMB6-NET2-FXM Network module 2x 100Base-FXM, 1x 100Base-TX, 1xRS485
B6-NET2-FXSB6-NET2-FXS Network module 2x 100Base-FXS, 1x 100Base-TX, 1x RS485
B9-NET-FX4B9-NET-FX4 Network module
13- Integral IP CX accessories & spare parts
B4-EIPB3 Indicator panel 1 without cabinet, incl. cable
B6 BATKABB6 Battery cable set
B6-BATH-SETB6 Battery Holder Set
B6-BCU-X1FB6-BCU-X1F Master Control U. 1-Loop & Firebrigade Interface, 1x 100BaseTX
B6-BCU-X2B6-BCU-X2 Master Control U. 2 Loops, 1x 100BaseTX
B6-DISTH-SETB6 Distance piece set
B6-PSUB6-PSU Power Supply Unit
B6-UGK-X2B4/B6 Upgrade Kit 2-Loop incl. B6-BCU-X2, B6-PSU, cover
B6-UGK-X2AB6A Upgrade Kit 2-Loop incl. B6-BCU-X2, B9-PSU, cover
B9-PSUB9-PSU Power Supply Unit
EIO-EXT-RESResistorset f. exting. panel
ST-B6-OMB6-OM Plug
ST-FBDConnector B4-FBD 13-pin, for B5-BAF and B6-BCUx
ST-LOOP/DAIConnector B4-LOOP / DAI or for B4-EIO (X4)
ST-OMConnector B4-OM
ST-REL6Connector B4-REL6
ST-SET-EIOB4/B6-EIO Connector Set
14- Integral IP BX
B7 BATKABB7 Battery cable set
B7-CPU-X1B7-CPU-X1 Master control unit incl. power supply
B7-X1-CB7 Integral IP BX incl. power supply
MAPTXT DE01MAP Lettering plate german
MAPTXT EN01MAP Lettering plate english
MAPTXT FR01MAP Lettering plate french
MAPTXT TR01MAP Lettering plate turkish
15- External indication & operating panels
B3-MMI-EAT64B3 Indicat.panel 64 det.zones LEDs for 64 detector zones
B3-MMI-IPELB3 Indicat.panel 8 ext.zones LEDs for 8 extinguishing zones
B5-EPI-PICB5 Parallel tableau PIC 16 keys, 32 LEDs, freely programmable
B5-MMI-CIIB5 Operat. panel MAP MMI-BUS without housing without lettering plate
B5-MMI-CIPB5 Operat. panel MAP MMI-BUS without lettering plate
B5-MMI-CPPB5 Operat. panel MAP MMI-BUS with printer without lettering plate
B5-MMI-FPFFire Brigade Panel Finland
B5-MMI-IPSIntervention panel Sweden
B5-MMI-PIP-DEB5 Indicat. Panel PIP MMI-BUS german
B5-MMI-PIP-ENB5 Indicat. Panel PIP MMI-BUS english
B5-MMI-PIP-TRB5 Indicat. Panel PIP MMI-BUS turkish
B8-MMI-CIIB8 Operat. panel MAP MMI-BUS without housing without lettering plate
B8-MMI-CIPB8 Operat. panel MAP MMI-BUS with plastic housing without lettering plate
B8-MMI-EAT32 BFEIndicaton panel 32 det. zones
B8-MMI-IPES BFEIndication panel 4 ext. zones
B8-PRTB8 Protocol printer with plastic housing, red
EARTH-SETEarthing Set for external operating panels
16- Integral IP software / IP applications
ANT-AO-ABASE-C16Magnetic base LR77 LTE-Antenna
BE-ANT-XPOL-A0001Panel omnidirect. LTE-Antenna
BE-XC-ETHExtension modul f. UMTS Router dual Ethernet
DONGLE IDTIntegral Desktop
DONGLE IMIntegral Message
DONGLE USB PROTSupport-Tools for protocols
DONGLE USB SCHRACKULM-Dongle Schrack Seconet
EIBA5-100T/RNetwork switch 5-Port option for LAN/LTE Router
IMOB BASIC 1Integral Mobile Basis 1, for 1 connection
IMOB BASIC 2Integral Mobile Basis 2, for 2 connection
IMOB EXT 2Integral Mobile expansion, by 2 connections
ISP IP BACNETTigersoft BACNet Gateway
ISP IP MODBUSTigersoft Modbus Gateway
ISP IP OPCTigersoft OPC Gateway
VPN LAN FASVPN Router LAN-FAS incl. VPN certificate
VPN LTE-LAN FASVPN Router LTE/LAN-FAS incl. VPN certificate
VPN-Z-PCVPN certificate PC
17- SecoLOG management software
SECOLOG IP BS 19SecoLOG IP Monitor E190i 19"IPS 1280x1024, DV/DP/VGA
SECOLOG IP BS 24SecoLOG IP Monitor 24" E241i1920x1200; DVI / VGA / DP; IPS
SECOLOG IP EPSSecoLOG IP emergency powersupp
SECOLOG IP LI12 UPDSecoLOG IP Software Update License for Update from V 1.x to V 2.x
SECOLOG IP LIFB 1000SecoLOG IP FAS Basic 1.000 Single user system FAS up to 1.000 data points
SECOLOG IP LIFB 20KSecoLOG IP FAS Basic 20k Single user system FAS up to 20k data points
SECOLOG IP LIFB 2500SecoLOG IP FAS Basic 2.500 Single user system FAS up to 2.500 data points
SECOLOG IP LIFB 4500SecoLOG IP FAS Basic 4.500 Single user system FAS up to 4.500 data points
SECOLOG IP LIFU 20KSecoLOG IP FAS Upgrade 20.000 from FAS Basic 4.500 to 20.000 data points
SECOLOG IP LIFU 2500SecoLOG IP FAS Upgrade 2.500 from FAS Basic 1.000 to 2.500 data points
SECOLOG IP LIFU 4500SecoLOG IP FAS Upgrade 4.500 from FAS Basic 2.500 to 4.500 data points
SECOLOG IP LIMAILSecoLOG IP Mail for sending emails
SECOLOG IP LIWSSecoLOG IP Client 1 additional workstation
SECOLOG IP PC CL2SecoLOG IP Client PC incl. operating system, for max. 2 monitors
SECOLOG IP PC4SecoLOG IP Standard PC4 incl. operating system, for max. 4 monitors
SW-C4SCHR2C4 Schrack Edition License for 1000 elements
18- X-LINE loop addressable detectors & bases
CMD 533XCO detector CMD 533X
CMD 533X MCCO detector CMD 533X RAL xxxx, min. order qty. 15 pcs.
DDC 533Dust cover for MTD 533X
DNP 502Detector inscription label
KL USB501Terminal block for USB-501
LKM 593XLKM 593X Ventil. duct detector
LKM-SETBox for LKM 593X
MTD 533XMult. Sensor Detect. MTD 533X
MTD 533X CPMult. Sensor Detect. MTD 533X electronics specially painted
MTD 533X MCMultiple sensor detect MTD533X RAL xxxx, min. order qty. 15 pcs.
MTD 533X MC SWMultiple sensor detect.MTD533X RAL 9005 Deep black dull
MTD 533X-SMultiple Sensor detector with sound
MTD 533X-SPMultiple Sensor detector with sound and speech
MTD 533X-SP EEMultiple Sensor detector with sound and speech EE
STE 01-BK PU10Socket connector black(10 pcs)
USB 502 STKTerminal block for USB 502
USB 502-1Detector Base USB 502-1 with loop contact
USB 502-1 MCDetector base USB 502-1 RAL xxxx, min. order qty. 15 pcs.
USB 502-1 MC / SWDetector base USB 502-1 RAL 9005 Deep black dull
USB 502-2Detector Base USB 502-2 for flush mounting for cavity ceiling installation
USB 502-3Detector Base USB 502-3 for wet rooms, IP54
USB 502-4Detector Base USB 502-4
USB 502-5Detector Base USB 502-5 for intermediate floors
USB 502-6Detector Base USB 502-6 without loop contact
USB 502-6 MCDetector base USB 502-6 RAL xxxx, min. order qty. 15 pcs.
USB 502-6 MC / SWDetector base USB 502-6 RAL 9005 Deep black dull
19- X-LINE loop manual call points
DKM K GLASSpare glass for MCP 545X
DKM SCHLMetal key f. MCPs & Integral IP BX
MCP WSGWeather protect case f.MCP 535 RAL 3000 red
MCP WSG BLWeather protection housing RAL 5005 blue
MCP535 AKHand-symbol Sticker f. MCP535
MCP535 BGDInscription stickers f. MCP535
MCP535 DGSealing rubber f. MCP 535X
MCP535 GLASReplacement glass for MCP 535 1 PU = 10 pcs.
MCP535X LPReplacement PCB f. MCP 535X for MCP535X-1 to MCP535-9
MCP535X-1Manual callpoint MCP 535X-1 RAL 3001
MCP535X-15Manual callpoint MCP 535X-15 RAL 6002
MCP535X-3Manual callpoint MCP 535X-3 RAL 5005
MCP535X-5Manual callpoint MCP 535X-5 RAL 1003
MCP535X-7Manual callpoint MCP 535X-7 RAL 5005
MCP545X-1BManual callpoint MCP545X-1B blue, IP24 (indoor), with surface base
MCP545X-1RManual callpoint MCP545X-1R red, IP24 (indoor), with surface base
MCP545X-1YManual callpoint MCP545X-1Y yellow, IP24 (indoor), with surface base
MCP545X-2BManual callpoint MCP545X-2B blue, IP24 (indoor), without base
MCP545X-2RManual callpoint MCP545X-2R red, IP24 (indoor), without base
MCP545X-2YManual callpoint MCP545X-2Y yellow, IP24 (indoor), without base
MCP545X-3BManual callpoint MCP545X-3B blue, IP67 (waterproof)
MCP545X-3RManual callpoint MCP545X-3R red, IP67 (waterproof)
MCP545X-3YManual callpoint MCP545X-3Y yellow, IP67 (waterproof)
MUS041WSuface mounting box f. MCP 545
PS200Transparent cover for MCP 545x
PS210Plastic pane for MCP 545x
SC070Test key for MCP 545X, 1PU=10pcs.
SC083Cover Seal for MC, 1 PU = 50pcs.
STI 1200/GM/UBProtective cover for MCPs with high frame
STI 1280Mounting plate f. prot. cover
STI 3002Seal kit f. protective cover
20- X-LINE loop modules
BX-AIMBX-AIM Input module
BX-ESLBX-ESL End-position switch
BX-I2BX-I2 Input module 2 Inputs
BX-IM4BX-IM4 Input module
BX-IOMBX-IOM Input/Output module
BX-MDI8BX-MDI8 Input module f. 8 monitored inputs
BX-O1BX-O1 Output module 1 Relay output
BX-O2I4BX-O2I4 Input/Output module 2 relay outputs, 4 inputs
BX-O2I4-HPBX-O2I4 -HP Input/Output module 2 relay outputs, 4 inputs
BX-OI3BX-OI3 Input/Output module
BX-REL4BX-REL4 Relay module
BX-UPIBX-UPI Parallel indicator
BX-WGWBX-WGW radio gateway
PIGParallel indicator housing
XLM 35Interface Module XLM 35, for ASD 535 & various special detectors
21- X-LINE loop sirens & flashing lights
BX-FOL-ROBX-FOL-RO Loop flashlight red housing, orange lense
BX-FOL-RRBX-FOL-RR Loop flashlight red housing, red lense
BX-FOL-WOBX-FOL-WO Loop flashlight white housing, orange lense
BX-FOL-WRBX-FOL-WR Loop flashlight white housing, red lense
BX-SBL501-WBase sounder for USB 501 white
BX-SBL501-WDBBase sounder for USB 501 high for side cable inlet
BX-SBL502-RDBPlatform sounder red high for side cable inlet
BX-SBL502-WPlatform siren white
BX-SBL502-WDBPlatform sounder white high for side cable inlet
BX-SOL-RBX-SOL-R Loop sounder red housing
BX-SOL-WBX-SOL-W Loop sounder white housing
SBL-DRDesignring for SBL white
USB 502-20Detector base USB 502-20 with lightning ring
22- Detectors & Bases
BM-BSIControl Module BM-BSI
BM-MCP-1Manual callpoint BM-MCP Monologue technology
BM-TMIEnd-Control Module BM-TMI
LKM 583LKM 583 Duct smoke detector
MSD 523Multiple Sensor Detect MSD 523
UTD 523-1Heat Detector UTD 523-1 Maximum /Rate-of Rise Detector
UTD 523-2Heat Detector UTD 523-2 Maximum /Rate-of Rise Detector
UTD 523-3Heat Detector UTD 523-3 Maximum /Rate-of Rise Detector
23- Manual call points
C31 BManual callpoint C31 - IP66 blue
C31 RManual callpoint C31/IP66 red
DKM GVReplacement glass for Manual callpoint
MCP525-15Manual callpoint MCP 525-15 RAL 6003
MCP525-7Manual call pointMCP 525-7 red
24- Smoke aspirating systems
ACB 35Advanced Cont. Board f. ASD535, for ASD 535-2 & -4
AD 20 ABSABS Threaded ring M20 1 PU = 10 pcs.
AD 22-25 STSTEELStainless steel junction, ASD
AD 25-INCG PVCPVC connec. joint 25mm to 3/4", ASD
ADB 1000Automatic exhausting device ADB 1000
ADB 2000Automatic exhausting device ADB 2000
ADB 500 ABSAutomatic exhausting device ADB 500 ABS
ADB 500 PVCAutomatic exhausting device ADB 500 PVC
AFS 32Airflow sensor for ASD 531
AFS 35Air Flow Sensor for ASD 535, incl. connection cable
AFU 32Replacement fan for ASD 531
AFU 35Aspirating Fan Unit for ASD535
AMB 31Mainboard for ASD 5351
AMB 32Main board for ASD 532
AMB 35-1Main Board for ASD 535-1/3
AMB 35-2Main Board for ASD 535-2/4
AN 25-45 ABSREDAngle 45° d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
AN 25-90 ABSREDAngle 90° d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
ASD 531Aspirating smoke det. ASD 531 incl. smoke sensor
ASD 532Aspirating smoke det. ASD 532
ASD 535-1Smoke Aspi. Detector ASD 535-1, 1 Aspirating pipe, 1 Base without Detector
ASD 535-2Smoke Aspi. Detector ASD 535-2, 2 Aspirating pipes, 2 Bases without Detectors
ASD 535-3Smoke Aspi. Detector ASD 535-3, 1 Pipe, 1 Base without Detector, with SL-Indicator
ASD 535-4Smoke Aspi. Detector ASD 535-4, 2 Pipes, 2 Bases without Detectors,with SL-Indica.
BCB 35Basic Control Board for ASD535, for ASD 535-1 & 3
BE 22 STSTEELStainless steel bow 90°, d=22, ASD
BE 25 ABSREDBend 90° d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
CC 25 ABSABS compressesd air plug d25 for ASD 535
CC 25 PVCPVC compressesd air plug d25 for ASD 535
CCF 25 ABSABS-Cable connection Set for cable distribution at pipe branch
CCF 25 PVCPVC cable connection set
CL 25Mounting clip type CL 25 1 PE = 100 pcs, price per PE
CLIP 2.0 PAPVC clip d25/2,0mm
CLIP 2.5 PAPVC clip d25/2,5mm
CLIP 3.0 PAPVC clip d25/3,0mm
CLIP 3.5 PAPVC clip d25/3,5mm 3,5 mm Sampling hole
CLIP 4.0 PAPVC clip d25/4,0 mm 4,0 mm Sampling hole
CLIP 4.5 PAPVC clip d25/4,5mm 4,5 mm Sampling hole
CLIP 5.0 PAPVC clip d25/5,0mm
CLIP 5.5 PAPVC clip d25/5,5mm
CLIP 6.0 PAPVC clip d25/6,0mm
CLIP 6.5 PAPVC clip d25/6,5mm
CLIP 7.0 PAPVC dlip d25/7,0mm
CLIP REV PAPVC Maintenance clip d25 without drilling hole
DF 25 ABSABS-flange for air duct
DF 25 PVCPVC-flange for air duct
DFA 25-1Detonation Flame Arrester IIA
DFA 25-2Detonation Flame Arrester IIB
DFA 25-3Detonation Flame Arrester IIC
DFU 535L RCReplacment cartridge DFU 535L RC
DFU 535L-LCartridge air filter DFU 535L for RAS, inclusive filter cartridge, left hinge
DFU 535XL EPReplacement cartridge DFU535XL
DFU 535XL-LCartridge air filter DFU 535XL for RAS, inclusive filter cartridge, left hinge
DFU 535XL-RCartridge air filter DFU 535XL for RAS, inclusive filter cartridge, right hinge
DFU 911Dust filter DFU 911 incl. Filter
DRB 25 PVCDust- and cyclone seperator
DTB 25 PCASD Dust trap d25
EC 22 STSTEELStainless steel end cap, d=22, ASD
EC 25 ABSREDEnd cap d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
FBL 25 EFMReplacement filter filter box large / 117 x 80 x 80 mm 1 PU = 5 pcs.
FBS 25 PCFilter box small d25 incl. Filter, H x W x D = 80 x 82 x 85 mm
FBX 25 EFMReplacement filter for FBX 25, for filter box FBX 25
FH 25 PVCFlexible PVC Hose d25 Braided, grey, delivery 25m rolls only
FS 22 CU/STHanger bolt, ASD
GOEMA D25Mounting clamp GOEMA d=25, 1 PU = 20 pcs.
HEAT 3.0 ABSABS-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 5,7 mm equates 3 mm, marked red
HEAT 3.0 PVCPVC-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 5,7 mm equates 3 mm, marked red
HEAT 3.5 ABSABS-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,1 mm equates 3,5 mm, marked blue
HEAT 3.5 PVCPVC-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,1 mm equates 3,5 mm, marked blue
HEAT 4.0 ABSABS-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,3 mm equates 4,0 mm, marked green
HEAT 4.0 PVCPVC-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,3 mm equates 4,0 mm, marked green
HEAT 4.5 ABSABS-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,7 mm equates 4,5 mm, marked black
HEAT 4.5 PVCPVC-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 6,7 mm equates 4,5 mm, marked black
HEAT 5.0 ABSABS-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 7,1 mm equates 5 mm, marked brown
HEAT 5.0 PVCPVC-Samplingpoint with heating Sampling hole 7,1 mm equates 5 mm, marked brown
HEAT RESISTORHeat Resistor for RAS 52B
KAPILLAR SETPVC-capillary-set, d-6mm for ASD 535
MCM 35Memory Card Module for MCM 35, incl. SD-card, ribbon cable, module holder, screws
MFS 25Magnetic filter system 25
MV 25 ABSABS Three-way ballcock d=25
MV 25 PVCPVC 3-way ballcock d25
NV 25 ABSABS tube valve, automatic
NV 25 PVCtube valve, automatically PVC, 3-piece
PC 22 CU/STMounting clamp, d=22mm, ASD, PE=50pcs
PC 25 ABSREDPipe clamp d25 ABS red 1 PU = 20 pcs.
RAS ASRPVC siphoning rose standard 1 pack = 10 pcs
RAS B9025PVC arch 90° d25
RAS B9025 ABSABS Arch 90° d=25mm
RAS E25PVC terminal d25
RAS E25 ABSABS End cap d=25mm
RAS K25PVC cross piece d25
RAS KLGAdhesive 1 kg
RAS KLKAdhesive 500 g
RAS KLK ABSABS Adhesive 1kg
RAS KLMPVC Adhesive 250 g tin
RAS KLTAdhesive 125 g tube
RAS M25PVC coupling d25
RAS M25 ABSABS Coupling d=25mm
RAS R25PVC pipe d25/5m length
RAS R25 ABSABS Tube d25/ 5 meter bar
RAS R25/3MPVC pipe d25/3m length
RAS R40PVC pipe d40/5m length
RAS RNGCleaner 1l
RAS RNG ABSABS Cleaner 500 g
RAS RNMCleaner 125 g
RAS RP8Round brush 8mm
RAS SCHL FT 21 PAFlexible tube PA, flexible, outside d=21,2mm, 1PU = 50m
RAS SCHL GR M20PVC Threaded Ring M20 Quick-Locking Adapter M20 to PVC tube d25, 1 PE = 10 pcs.
RAS SCHL SV M20Quick-Locking Adapter M20 fitting for Polywell tube 21,2 mm 10pcs.
RAS SSD 516-1Smoke Detector SSD 516-1
RAS STF40ASD Dust trap d40
RAS T25PVC T-piece d25
RAS T25 ABSABS T-piece d=25mm
RAS VE25PVC Terminal cap w. thread d25 with internal screw thread 3/4"
RAS VE25MPVC connection coupling d25 with external screw thread d25/32x3/4"
RAS W4525PVC angle 45° d25
RAS W4525 ABSABS Angle 45° d=25mm
RAS ÜV25PVC Connection joint d25 to separate the ductwork for cleaning
RAS ÜV25 ABSABS Connection joint d=25mm to separate the ductwork for cleaning
RE 25-6-PVCReduction 25 to 6 mm 10pcs.
REK 511Identification unit for RAS
RFC 911Replacement filter RFC 911 for DFU 911 - 1 pcs.
RFC 911VE20Replacement filter RFC 911 for DFU 911 - 20 pcs.
RIM 35Relay Interface Module RIM 35, incl. ribbon cable, module holders and screws
SF ABSSmall funnel d25
SIM 35Serial Interface SIM 35, for ASD 535 network
SJ 25 ABSREDScrew-junction d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
SLW 0.5 BKSilicone litz wire black for heating lead 0.5 mm² 100m roll
SLW 0.5 WTSilicone litz wire white for heating lead 0.5 mm² 100m roll
SMM 535Serial Master Module SMM 535, for ASD 535 network
SO 22 STSTEELStainless steel coupling, d=22, ASD
SO 25 ABSREDSocket d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
SP 36 PVCPVC suction rose PVC suction rose
SP M20 ABSABS Ceiling grommet M20
SP M20 ABS-SETABS Ceiling grommet set
SP M20 PVCPVC-Ceiling grommet M25/20
SP M20 PVC-SETCeiling grommet set
SP M20 PVC3PVC-Ceiling grommet M20 3 parts
SSD 31Smoke sensor SSD 31
SSD 515-1SSmoke Detector SSD515-1S
SSD 515-3SSmoke Detector SSD515-3S
SSD 532-1Smoke sensor SSD 532-1
SSD 532-2Smoke sensor SSD 532-2
SSD 532-3Smoke sensor SSD 532-3
SSD 535-1Smoke Detector SSD 535-1, for ASD 535 incl. detector chamber-cover and cable
SSD 535-2Smoke Detector SSD 535-2, for ASD 535 incl. detector chamber-cover and cable
SSD 535-3Smoke Detector SSD 535-3, for ASD 535 incl. detector chamber-cover and cable
TP 22 STSTEELStainless steel T-piece, d=22, ASD
TP 25 ABSREDT-piece d25 ABS red 1 PU = 10 pcs.
TU 22 STSTEELStainless steel pipe 6m/d=22mm, ASD
TU 25 ABSREDSampling tube d25 ABS red 3m
TU 6 PVCPVC Capillary tube 6mm
UMS 35Universal module holder UMS35, for installation in ASD 535
WCU 535PCCable connection box f.ASD 535 to install the silicone wire
WRB 25 ABSWater separator standard ABS
WRB 25 PVCWater separator
WRB 25 SLSealing plate for WRB 25
25- Linear smoke detectors
209Testfilter for Fireray
608Surface mount back box 50R/100R
893Surface mount wall bracket 50R/100R
1000-018Protective cage F5000 detectors
1000-019Protect. cage F5000 controller
1000-020Protective cage F50R/F100R
1010-000Fireray Long Range Kit
23901.01Prism for reflective IR beam detectors
3000-201F3000 Adjustment Bracket
3000-202F3000 Flush Mount Plate
3000-204F3000 Heater
5000-005Universal Bracket F5000 detectors or prisms
5000-006Prism mounting plate
5000-007Plate for 4 prisms
5000-008Plate for 1 prism
5000-014Universal Ceiling Mount for Fireray
5000-201F5000 Adjustment Bracket
5000-204F5000 Heater
5000-205Prism heater f. 1 or 4 prisms
5100-204F50/100 Heater
6010-100Fireray ONE
BEAM DH SPBCCeiling mounting joint for SPB-E and SPC-E
BEAM WH SPBCWall mounting joint for SPB-E and SPC-E
CSRLS-2Controller for ILIA for connection of 2 pcs.ILIA-systems
CSRLS-PROController for ILIA DUST for connection of 2 pcs.ILIA-systems DUST
EN=3000-015FIRERAY 3000 pair of detectors
EN=3000-101FIRERAY 3000 system
EN=5000-002FIRERAY 5000 detector 50m incl. 1 prism
EN=5000-004FIRERAY 5000 Prisms 1 PU = 3 pcs.
EN=5000-039FIRERAY 5000 detector 100m incl. 4 prisms
EN=5000-101FIRERAY 5000 system 50m
EN=5000-102FIRERAY 5000 system 100m
ERHS0712Linear Smoke Detect ILIA Tx/Rx Transmitter and Receiver
ERHS0712-1013Linear Smoke Detect ILIA Tx/Rx Transmitter and Receiver white
ERHS0712-PROLin Smoke Det. ILIA DUST Tx/Rx Transmitter and Receiver
ERRHS0712Linear Smoke Detector ILIA TRx Transmitter/Receiver with Reflector
ERRHS0712-1013Linear Smoke Detector ILIA TRx Transmitter/Receiver with Reflector white
ES100Linear Smoke Detector ECO ES100
ES25-ILinear Smoke Detect ECO ES25-I for countersunk installation
ES50Linear Smoke Detector ECO ES50 incl. reflector
ES80Linear Smoke Detector ECO ES80
FAPORing f. protective housing ILIA
FIRERAY 3000 ExdFIRERAY 3000 Exd
GDPProtection cage for ILIA
K40Reflector ECO & Miniboomerang 10 x 10 cm
OSE-ACFOSID Anti-condensation film for emitter OSE-x (PU=10 pcs)
OSE-HPWOSID Emitt. High power OSE-HPW
OSE-RBAOSID Alkaline spare battery
OSE-SP-01OSID Emitt. standard OSE-SP-01
OSE-SPWOSID Emitt. standard OSE-SPW
OSEH-ACFOSID Anti-condensation film for protection case OSID-EHx (PU=10 pcs)
OSI-10OSID Receiver 7°
OSI-90OSID Receiver 80°
OSI-LSOSID Light shield for OSI-10
OSID-EHEOSID Protection case IP66 for emitter OSE-x
OSID-EHIOSID Protection case IP66 f. OSI-10
OSID-INSTOSID Installation Kit incl. laser alignment tool, testfilter, PC cable
OSP-001OSID FTDI Cable 1.5
OSP-002OSID Laser Alignment tool
OSP-003OSID Acrylic test filter (PE=10 Stk.)
SACA-GWall bracket adjustable ILIA
SMLSExpansion module f. Controller for connection of addition 6 pcs.ILIA-systems
SOHIProtective housing for ILIA
SPC-ELinear Smoke Detector SPC-E
SSMJoint fixing bracket for ECO
VKT-301OSID Demo kit 2x OSE-SPW, 1x OSI-90, 1x OSID-INST
26 -Linear temperature detector
ACMS 535Cleaning & maintenance set
AD ADW TU 6/4Connection ADW-TU 6/4 PTFE
AD ADW TU 6/4 CUZNConnection ADW-Teflon
ADW 535-1Linear heat detector ADW 535-1
ADW 535-1HDXLin. heat detect. ADW535-1HDx
ADW 535-2Linear heat detector ADW 535-2
ADW 535-2HDXLin. heat detect. ADW535-2HDx
ADW CUFRCopper Sensor Tube, d=5/4mm 5,5 meter Rod
ADW ESEZStainless steel terminator
ADW ESFRStainlesssteel sensor tube 5/4 6m bar
ADW ESSH1Stainless steel support sleeve for hose inside diamter 4mm
ADW ESVStainless steel connection for ADW 511 stainless steel sensor tube
ADW KSCHLPlastic Tubing connection senstube/ADW 511
ADW MEZBrass Termination for copper tube
ADW MSHBrass Adapter connection tube / copper sensetube
ADW MVBrass Fitting for copper tube
ADW PMTest Motor ADW 511 Spare part for ADW 511A
ADW TFFRTeflon sonsor tube, d=5/3mm
ART 535-10ADW Reference Temp. Sensor
ART 535-30 / 400°CExt. temperature sensor 400° for ADW 535-x
CMC 535 TStainless steel clamp consists of material 1.4529
CMS 535 T DUBFireprot. stainlesssteel dowel consists of material 1.4529
CN 5/4 CUZNConnection nut for TU 5/4 Cu - Spare part
CU 1-FPipe Clamp Copper 1PE = 10pcs.
EP 5/4 CUZNEnd plug for SJ 5/4 CuZn, 1 PU = 5pcs.
EP 5/4 STEnd plug for SJ 5/4 St, 1 PU = 5pcs.
EP 6/4 CUZNBrass end plug for SJ 6/4 CuZn
EP 6/4 PVDFEnd plug PVDF
FH 5/3 PA 25Flexible connection hose 5mm, 1 reel = 25m
GC 5/6 EXGrounding Clamp
LEB 35Extension board LEB 35
LMB 35Main board LMB 35
LSU 35Measure & Monitoring unit
M20ATEXM20 cable gland ATEX 10pcs per PU
M25ATEXM25 cable gland ATEX 10pcs per PU
PC 5/6 CUZN-2Double Pipe Clamp 1 PU = 10 pcs.
PC 5/6 PAPipe Clamp Polyamide, 1PE = 100pcs.
PC 5/6 STSTEEL 10ERStainless steel mounting clamp1 package=10 clips
PS TU 5/4 STProtection fitting for sensing tube TU 5/4 St
RE 5-4 CUZNCompression ferrule d=5/4 brass
RE 5-4 STCompression ferrule d=5/4 stainless steel
RE 6-5 CUZNTerminal ring
RIM 36Relais Interface Module RIM 36
SC 5/4 CU 5Sensing-Coil of TU 5/4 Cu
SC 5/4 ST 5Sensing-Coil of TU 5/4 St
SD-INDUSTRIALSD-Karte Industrial
SJ 5/4 CUZNScrew Junction straight for TU 5/4 Cu, 1 PE = 10 pcs.
SJ 5/4 ST =5PCSScrew Junction straight for TU 5/4 St 1PE=5pcs
SJ 6/4 CUZNBrass screw junction straight for TU 6/4 PTFE
SJ 6/4 PVDFScrew Junction straight PVDF
SS 3 CUZNStiff. sleeve brass FH 5/3 PA, 1 PU = 10pcs.
SS 4 CUZNStiffener sleeve for TU 6/4 PTFE
SS 4/3 ST 10erTube stiffener f FH5/3PA; 1PE =10 pcs
TC 5/4 CU 10Test-Coil of TU 5/4 Cu
TC 5/4 ST 10Test-Coil of TU 5/4 St
TJ 5/4 CUZNT-Junction for TU 5/4 Cu
TJ 5/4 STT-Junction for TU 5/4 St
TJ 6/4 CUZNT-Junction brass
TJ 6/4 PVDFT-Junction PVDF
TU 5/4 CUSense tube copper 5/4mm
TU 5/4 CU 3MSensing tube 5/4 3m inoxsteel
TU 5/4 CU 50Sense tube copper 5/4mm 50m
TU 5/4 STSens Tube stainl steel 5/4mm 6m
TU 5/4 ST 3MSensing tube 5/4 3m copper
TU 6/4 PTFESens Tube Teflon 6/4mm Ex 1PU = 100m
TU 6/4 PTFE 100Sens Tube Teflon 6/4mm 100m
TU 6/4 PTFE 50Sens Tube Teflon 6/4mm 50m
27- LISTEC cable
CAB 19 ACCAccessory bag CAB 19
CAB 19/12Wall mounted cabinet CAB 19/12
CAB 19/18Wall mounted cabinet CAB 19/18
CAB WALLHOLDWall mounting holder
CBO 05-EXEx-proof connec. box, CBO 5-ex
CBO 20 SCREWCBO 20 Screw
CBO 20/0Connection Box CBO 20/0
CBO 20/0 ACCAccessory bag CBO 20/0
CBO 20/1Connection Box CBO 20/1
CBO 20/1 ACCAccessory bag CBO 20/1
CBO 20/3Connection Box CBO 20/3
CBO 20/3 ACCAccessory bag CBO 20/3
CBO 20/3 ACC CCMAccess.bag CBO 20/3 CCM bridge
CBO 5-ESD-TConnection Box CBO 5-ESD-T
CBO 5-EX ACCAccessory bag CBO 5-Ex
CBO 5-SECConnection Box CBO 5-SEC
CBO 5-SEC ACCAccessory bag CBO 5-SEC
CC 15Connection Cable CC 15
CC 20Connection Cable CC 20
CCM 3000Connection Module CCM 3000
CCM 3000_DConnection Module CCM 3000_D
CLB 2Flat Cable Connector CLB 2 1PU=100pcs.
CLB 4Flat cable connector CLB 4 1PU=100pcs.
CLCTCrimping tool CLCT
CLIC 15Cable clamp CLIC 15 (only available in PU of 100pcs.)
CLIC 17Cable clamp CLIC TOP 17 1 PU = 100 pcs.
CLS 4Flat cable connector CLS 4 1PU=100pcs.
CLVPClincher Strain Relief CLVP 1PU=100pcs.
CSM 200Cable Simulation Module CSM200
CUTTER SECLIST cable cutter
ENDEnd cap END
ESD-A5-EL-01External Sensor ESD-A5-EL-01
ESD-A5-EL-05External Sensor ESD-A5-EL-05
ESD-A5-EL-10External Sensor ESD-A5-EL-10
ESD-A5-RL-01External Sensor ESD-A5-RL-01
ESD-A5-RL-05External Sensor ESD-A5-RL-05
ESD-A5-RL-10External Sensor ESD-A5-RL-10
ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-01Ext. sensor ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-01
ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-05Ext. sensor ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-05
ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-10Ext. sensor ESD-ATEX-A4-RL-10
FECT 201-A4Stainless steel cable tie
FEMC 270Fixing unit f. messenger cable
FOC 485Fibre optic converter FOC 485
GUI LISTP800Dongle for SCU 800
IB 800 LPLED-indication board SCU 800
Konfig LISTConfiguration license
LABEL SEC 15 ATEXATEX Marker for cable SEC 15
LAN-MULTIFibreOpticConverter LAN multi
LAN-SINGLEFibreOpticConverter LAN single
LCON I/P IECLISTcontroller I/P
LCON LBLISTcontroller LB
LCON MASTERLISTcontroller Master
LCON RDTRDT-Function f. LISTcontroller
LCT 20LIST cable tester LCT 20
MDCFixing clamp MDC
MDJCable clamp MDJ
MDJ 40Mounting device MDJ 40
MDP 15Cable clamo MDP 15 1 PU = 100 pcs.
MDP 20Mounting device MDP 20
MR-EU1W1PConnector box MR-EU1W1P for EN54-22
N15 REPAIRRepair-set N15
N20 REPAIRRepair-set N20
OIM 15Optical Input Module OIM 15
PS 2402Power Supply PS 2402
PS 2408Power Supply PS 2408
RDU 316Remote Display Unit RDU 316
REL 800/16 LPRelay Card REL 800/16
RELMOD-RRELMOD line monitoring pcb
SC 15/20Service case SC 15/20
SCI 800 LPMain board SCI 800
SCON 15/0Shield Connector SCON 15/0
SCON 15/1Shield Connector SCON 15/1
SCON 20/1Shield Connector SCON 20/1
SCON 20/2Shield Connector SCON 20/2
SCU 800 ACCSCU 800 access. cable glands
SCU 800 CASEHousing SCU 800
SCU 800 CONSCU 800 access. connectors
SCU 800 PLUGSCU 800 access. blind plugs
SCU 800-03Sensor Control Unit SCU 800-03
SCU 800-03-EXSensorContr.unit SCU-800-03-Ex
SCU 800/16Sensor Control Unit SCU 800/16
SDS 3LDrill SDS 3L
SEC 15 FIT BOXFitted cable for CBO
SEC 15/01Sensor Cable SEC 15/01
SEC 15/02Sensor Cable SEC 15/02
SEC 15/03Sensor Cable SEC 15/03
SEC 15/04Sensor Cable SEC 15/04
SEC 15/05Sensor Cable SEC 15/05
SEC 20/02Sensor Cable SEC 20/02
SEC 20/04Sensor Cable SEC 20/04
SEC 20/05Sensor Cable SEC 20/05
SEC 20/08Sensor Cable SEC 20/08
SEC 20/10Sensor Cable SEC 20/10
SECCON 15-1Fitted cable with SECcon
SECCON 15-2Fitted cable SECcon 15-2
SECCON 15-CFConnector SECcon 15-C/f
SECCON 15-CMConnector SECCcon 15-C/m
SWM-HSetting tool SWM-H
SWM-SM 50Setting tool SWM-SM 50
UCM-ESDUniv. connection modul UCM-ESD
UCM-SECUniv. connection modul UCM-SEC
USB-RS485Converter USB-RS485
VK232-S4-KL-03Connect. Cable VK232-S4-KL-03
VK232-S8-PC-03Connection Cable PC/SCU 800
VK24-S4-KL-03Connect. Cable VK24-S4-KL-03
VK485-S4-KL-03Connect. Cable VK485-S4-KL-03
VKI/O-S4-KL-03Connect. Cable VKI/O-S4-KL-03
VKLAN-S4-PC-03Connect. Cable VKLAN-S4-PC-03
VKSEC-S4-KL-03Connect. Cable VKSEC-S4-KL-03
28 -Hazard areas (EX) detectors
ARDEA SF EEXD/100ARDEA SF EExd/100 incl. mounting bracket / incl. UDC
DC31 AIMEx-Manual callpoint dC31 red 560/19k1 for connection to BX-AIM
DC31 BManual callpoint Ex dC31 blue 1k5/3k for connection to B3-IM8, B3-MTI8, B4-EIO
DC31 DCIEx-Manual callpoint dC31 red 560/11k8 for connection to B3-DCI6
DC31 GManual callpoint Ex dC31 yellow 1k5/3k for connection to B3-IM8, B3-MTI8, B4-EIO
DC31 IM8Ex-Manual callpoint dC31 red 1k5/3k for connection to B3-IM8, B3-MTI8, B4-EIO
DKM SVMetal key for manual callpoints
LRS 04 EXDuct smoke switch Ex incl. ORS 221 EX
MCP 1A APManual callpoint Ex MCP 1A aP red, IP24 (indoor), with surface base
MCP 1A UPManual callpoint Ex MCP 1A uP red, IP24 (indoor), without base
MMD 130 Ex-iFire detector MMD 130 Ex-i Multiple sensor detector f. hazardous areas zone 1
USB 502-7 EX-IBase for MMD 130Ex-i for Ex-Areas zones 1&2
USB 502-8 EX-IBase for MMD 130Ex-i for hazardous zones 1&2
WCP 1AManual callpoint Ex WCP 1A red, IP67 (waterproof)
Z787Safety barrier
Z787FSafety barrier Z787.F
29- Flame detectors
DET WSWeather protection ring for all Detronics Flame detectors
DF 1101 EXEX IR flame det. DF 1101 ex
DFB 1190 EXBase for flame det. DFx
DFZ1190Rain protection case DFZ1190
DRD-EIR Flame detector DRD-E
FDF B291Flame detector base FDFB291
FDF241-9IR flame detector FDF241-9
M25 EX D IP66Cable gland M25 Ex d IP66
M25 EX D IP66 BLHole stopper M25 Ex d IP66
M25 TYPE 7 ADE 1 FCable clamp f.hazard.areas M25
M25 X 1,5Blanking stopper (Ex)
MV 1Mounting bracket for DFxx det.
MWV1Fitting joint MWV1
Q9033AAluminum bracket for flame detectors
STABEX HFTest lamp for flame detectors for use in zone 1 and 2 hazardous areas
X2200GUV Flame detector X2200 for hazardous areas according to ATEX 100a
X33013 IR Flame detect. X3301 for hazardous areas according to ATEX 100a
X33023 IR Flame detect. X3302 for hazardous areas according to ATEX 100a
X5200GUV/IR Flame detector X5200 for hazardous areas according to ATEX 100a
X9800IR Flame detector X9800 for hazardous areas according to ATEX 100a
YBN-R/6Base for flame detector DRD-E
YZU-AHolder for flame detector DRD-E
YZU-BMounting bracket DRD-E
30- High temperature detectors
12-X27021-001-190FFire detection unit 88°C for ceiling mounting
12-X27021-001-225FFire detection unit 107°C for ceiling mounting
12-X27021-001-275FFire detection unit 135°C for ceiling mounting
12-X27021-001-325FFire detection unit 163°C for ceiling mounting
12-X27021-001-360FFire detection unit 182°C for ceiling mounting
22-19600-414Alu-connection box for fire detection units 27121
27121-0-225Fire detection unit 107°C horizontal & vertical excl. junction box
27121-0-275Fire detection unit 135°C horizontal & vertical excl. junction box
27121-0-325Fire detection unit 162°C horizontal & vertical excl. junction box
27121-360Fire detection unit 182°C horizontal & vertical excl. junction box
GSME ASBADICOS branch & connection box for FG030950--..FG030953--
GSME KABELADICOS Standard cable 5m with bayonet fitting
GSME MHZADICOS detector heater for external power supply 24V (info when ordering)
GSME MPLADICOS mounting plate for FG030950--..FG030953-- + FG030958--
GSME SWSADICOS water protection for FG030950--..FG030953-- (info when ordering)
GSME-FGSME-F Alarm resistance 180R e.g. Paper, Wood, Biomass, Flour, Domestic waste
GSME-FRGSME-FR Alarm resistance 180R as F and regenerable filter
GSME-HCGSME-HC Alarm resistance 180R as L3 Coal storage and -transportation of gases
GSME-L3GSME-L3 Alarm resistance 180R for Coaltransportation, conveyor belts, dusty camp
31- Radio-linked detectors
BAT3.6-10Battery Pack for Radio Devices
DMZ1195Key for radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type B, Spare part
DMZ1196-ACSpare glass plate f. radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type B
DMZ1197-ACProtective cover for radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type B
FDB271Base for FDOOT271-O
FDBZ291Designation plate for FDOOT271-O
FDBZ293Lock pin for FDOOT271-O
FDM275-ORadio Manual call point, Typ A
FDMC295Protective cover for radio MCP, for radio manual callpoint Type A
FDME273-OSwitching unit for radio MCP, for radio manual callpoint Type B
FDMG295Spare glass plate f. radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type A
FDMH273-RHousing for radio MCP, for radio manual callpoint Type B
FDMK295Key for radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type A, spare part
FDMP295Plastic element f. radio MCP for radio manual callpoint Type A, Spare part
FDOOT271-ORadio fire detector, without base / without battery
FDUD291Removal tool for FDOOT271-O
FDUZ227MCL USB Adapter Radio, USB Service device
SMF 6120 BATTLithium Battery 3,6 V
SMF 6120 GLAS RINGReplacement glass f. SMF6120 with red rings, 1 PU = 10 pcs.
SMF 6120 GLAS2Replacement glass f. SMF6120 without red rings
32- Sirens & flashing lights
ACRSounder for flush mounting red
ACWSounder for flush mounting white
BL D ORRevolving mirror light-orange
BL D ORWAngle for wall mounting
BL V6 EXFlashing light V6 , V6 / B 24V 5W
CS200-SV/BSounder CS200-SV black 32 tone types, IP 21C
CS200-SV/RSounder CS200-SV red 32 tone types, IP 21C
CS200-SV/WSounder CS200-SV white 32 tone types, IP 21C
CWB EX GEFlashing light CWB ATEX yellow incl. cable gland
CWB EX RTFlashing light CWB ATEX red incl. cable gland
CWB EX WWMounting bracket f. CWB ATEX
IS-S-02Ex-Sounder IS-S-02, red IP66
MBF-6EV-24Alarm Bell 6" 24V
PSS-0153/PSS-0084Sounder Sonos S red, IP21
PSS-0154/PSS-0084Sounder Sonos S red, IP65
PSS-0155/PSS-0089Sounder Sonos S white, IP21
PSS-0156/PSS-0089Sounder Sonos S white, IP65
SIR HUP1Signal horn 24V
SIR HUP2Signal horn 220V/30mA
SIR YO4 R65Sounder YO4 IP65 red
SIR YO4 WSounder Y04 white
SOLEX 10Flashlight Solex 10, white housing, orange dome IP65
SOLEX 10 RTFlashlight Solex 10, red housing, red dome IP65
SONOS-BC ESBA3000RWDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESBA3000RWSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESBA3000WWDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESBA3000WWSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESDA2000RRDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESDA2000RRSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESDA2000WRDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOS-BC ESDA2000WRSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOS-BW ESBA4000RWDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP65, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESBA4000RWSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP21c, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESBA4000WWDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP65, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESBA4000WWSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP21c, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESDA1000RRDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP65, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESDA1000RRSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP21c, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESDA1000WRDSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP65, wall mount
SONOS-BW ESDA1000WRSSonos flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP21c, wall mount
SONOSSBC ESCA3000RWDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESCA3000RWSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESCA3000WWDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESCA3000WWSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESFA2000RRDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESFA2000RRSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESFA2000WRDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP65, ceiling mount
SONOSSBC ESFA2000WRSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP21c, ceiling mount
SONOSSBW ESCA4000RWDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP65, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESCA4000RWSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/white light IP21c, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESCA4000WWDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP65, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESCA4000WWSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/white light IP21c, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESFA1000RRDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP65, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESFA1000RRSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, red housing/red light IP21c, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESFA1000WRDSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP65, wall mount
SONOSSBW ESFA1000WRSSonos siren/flashing light acc. to EN54-23, white housing/red light IP21c, wall mount
VTB-32E-DB-RB/ALComb. Siren/Flashlight Cabinet red, IP65
VTB-32E-DB-WB/ALComb. Siren/Flashlight Cabinet white, IP65
VTB-32E-SB-RB/ALComb.Sirene/Flashlight Cabinet red, IP43
VTB-32E-SB-WB/ALComb. Siren/Flashlight Cabinet white, IP43
YL6Combined Ex-Siren YL6
YO6 EXEX-Sounder YO6 EX
33- Door holding magnets
BX-MDHBX-MDH door holding magnet f. x-line
GT50R050Ex-Holding magnet surface mount
GT50R105Flexible armature for ex-holding magnet on mounting plate 55 mm
GTR0480002Holding magnet on mount. Plate incl. anchor plate
GTR0480004Holding magnet flushmounting incl. anchor plate
GTR0480007Holding magnet incl. circuit breaker button & anchor plate
GTR0480008Holding magnet surfacemounting incl. circuit breaker button & anchor plate
GTR048000A07800Wall mounting bracket 150mm
GTR048000A07900Wall mounting bracket 300mm
GTR048000A12006Floor mounting bracket
GTR0480011Holding magnet floor/wall incl. circuit breaker button & anchor plate
GTR0480014Holding magnet floor/wall incl. circuit breaker button & anchor plate
GTR0480015Holding magnet floor/wall incl. circuit breaker button & anchor plate
GTR050.500002Door magnet for floor mounting
GTX050.000101Flexible anchor plate 55 mm
GTX050.000203Swivelling anchor plate 55 mm
GTX050.000310Telescopic anchor plate 55 mm
GTX063.000001Flexible anchor plate 65 mm
SZB000.257500Mounting base f. 20-4001002-xx
34- Power supplies
AKKU 1,2Battery 12 V / 1,2 Ah W 97, H 51, D 43 mm
AKKU 12Battery 12 V / 12 Ah W 150, D 98, H 95 mm
AKKU 17Akku 12 V / 17 Ah
AKKU 2,1Battery 12 V / 2,1 Ah
AKKU 24Battery 12 V / 24 Ah W 173, D 164, H 124 mm
AKKU 44Akku 12 V / 44 Ah
AKKU 65Battery 12 V / 65 Ah
AKKU 7Battery 12 V / 7 Ah
AKKU 85Battery 12 V / 85 Ah
AKKU PAPole cover for batteries
BE-CBE12-CEmpty cabinet for batteries IP30 cabinet, akku max. 65Ah
BE-FIB05-CBasic fuse module with 5 fuses, for BE-PSE03-C, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-FIB05-PBasic fuse module with 5 fuses, for BE-PSE03-P
BE-FIB10-CBasic fuse module with 10 fuses, for BE-PSE12-C
BE-FIB10-PBasic fuse module with 10 fuses, for BE-PSE12-P
BE-MAKKUMeasurement adapter for BE-PSE
BE-PSE01Power supply 24V/1A IP30 in IP30 cabinet, incl. 2x batteries 2.3 Ah
BE-PSE01-IOMPower supply 24V/1A IP30 IOM in IP30 cabinet, incl. BX-IOM + 2x batteries 2.3Ah
BE-PSE02Power supply 24V/1A IP30
BE-PSE02-IOMPower supply 24V/1A IP30 IOM
BE-PSE03-CPower supply 24V/3A IP30 in IP30 cabinet, akku max. 26Ah, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSE03-PPower supply 24V/3A IP54 in IP54 cabinet, akku max. 45Ah, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSE12-CPower supply 24V/12A IP30 in IP30 cabinet, akku max. 65Ah, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSE12-P170Power supply 24V/12A IP54 in IP54 cabinet,akku max. 170Ah,incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSE12-P45Power supply 24V/12A IP54 in IP54 cabinet, akku max. 45Ah, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSE24-P170Power supply 2 x 24V/12A IP54 in IP54 cabinet,akku max. 170Ah, incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSU03-CFPower supply 24V/3A for BE-PSE03-P incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSU03-OFPower supply 24V/3A for BE-PSE03-C
BE-PSU12-CFPower supply 24V/12A for BE-PSE12-P incl. Temp.sensor
BE-PSU12-OFPower supply 24V/12A for BE-PSE12-C
BE-TSENSTemperature sensor for BE-PSE except BE-PSE03-C
BXT BASBase part f. protection module
BXT ML4 BE 24Protection module 24V
BXT ML4 BE 36Protection module 36V
STX2402-CELMDENE Power supply 24V/2A
STX2402-EELMDENE Power supply 24V/2A
STX2405-CELMDENE Power supply 24V/5A
STX2405-EELMDENE Power supply 24V/5A
36- Test devices
B7-FITB7 Fast Installation Tester / Test tool for X-Line
FDT 533Testing device FDT 533
FDT 533 CO-SETTesting device FDT 533 CO-Set
PRUEFGASTesting gas 918/5 for smoke detectors
SOLO 610Universal bag for Testifire
SOLO 720Spare-battery for Testifire
SOLO 726Universal fast battery charger
SOLO C3Testing gas for CO detectors
STB 01X CASECase for STB01X
STB 01X-DTest unit for X-LINE
STB 01X-ETest unit for X-LINE
STF4Test filter f. ECO & ARDEA
TC3CO cartridge TC3
TESTIFIRE 2001Detector tester TESTFIRE 2001 incl. 2 rechargeable cells & quick charger
TS3Smoke cartridge f. Testifire
UDR 531Detector remover UDR 531 for detector series 521/531
UDR 531 GRubber f. remover tool 531
UDR 531KDetec. remover tool 531 K for detector series 521/531
UDR 533 GReplacement rubber for UDR 533
UDR 533ADetector remover UDR 533A
UDR 533KDetector remover UDR 533K with cardan joint
UDR 533SDetector remover UDR 533S
UTAMeasuring device UTA
UTP HOCAdapter unit for test tools
UTP SOLAdapter for probes on using various telescopic poles
UTP VExtension bar 1,3m for UTP3/4
UTP10 30KVUniv.telescope bar 11m/30 kV TL-1.7m, LT-11m incl. holding head
UTP3Universal telescope bar 3m Transport length: 1.7m, Total length: 3m
UTP3 30KVUniv.telescope bar 3m 30 kV TL-1.7m, LT-3m, voltage sustainingcap. up to 30 kV
UTP4Universal telescope bar 4m Transport length: 2.2m, Total length: 4m
37- Modems & converter
ADAM 4520Interface converter for assembly; 10-30V/DC
DL-485/13-MM-SC-AFiber Optic Modem RS485/MM Channel A, 1 Fiber, Plug ST
DL-485/13-MM-SC-BFiber Optic Modem RS485/SM Channel B, 1 Fiber, Plug ST
DL-485/13-MM-STFiber Optic Modem RS485/MM 1 Channel, 2xLWL 50/125µm, Plug ST
DL-485/13-SM-SC-A-LFiber Optic Modem RS485/SM Channel A, 1xLWL 9/125µm, Plug SC
DL-485/13-SM-SC-B-LFiber Optic Modem RS485/SM Channel A, 1xLWL 9/125µm, Plug SC
DL-485/13-SM-ST-LFiber Optic Modem RS485/SM, 1 Channel, 2xLWL 9/125µm, Plug ST
SC/ST AD MMAdapter SC to ST Multimode
SC/ST AD SMAdapter SC to ST Singlemode
TD-36LV485Telephone modem RS 422/485 24 V dc-supply; 2-/4-wire private lines
38- Accessories
143AMounting base AP / 143A
AG 850-1Surface mounted case f keysafe
BKL M5Mounting clip steel M5 suitable for mounting rails TS35 ("Hat profile")
BM-YY 4X0,8 RTCable BM red 5x2x0,6
CSM 6789LC-Display for MX, CX, BX, MMI-CIP, PIP
DIL PU50Labelling ring grey for heat detectors, 50 pcs.
DK 20Diode terminal for UIO for DIN-Rail, 20 Diodes
DemoKit_FAS_1DemoKit Integral IP
EVE CR9V/P-SBattery for DOW1171
EZ 850-1Flush mounted frame f. keysafe
F-YAY 20X2X0,6 RTCable BM red 20x2x0,6
F-YAY 5X2X0,6 RTCable BM red 5x2x0,6
FAD 01Connection case FAD 01
FDBH291Detector heating for USB 501
FKS 15ABlade fuse FKS 15A light-blue
FKS 1ABlade fuse FKS 1A black
FKS 5ABlade fuse FKS 5A light-brown
FSS 850-1Firebrigade Keysafe FSS 850-1
FSS 850-2Firebrigade Keysafe FSS 850-2
FSS AKSticker "Feuerwehr"
FSZ BASISBasic unit f. hold-open system
FWP-3Firebrigade plan box with folding shelf
FWPK APFirebrigade plan box without folding shelf
G KAPPE 501Transparent rubber cap for detector base USB 501
GEH HS TPCase with top-hat rail f. Ex barrier
GEH MOD IP66IP66 box for loop modules metric thread / dimensions: 94 x 94 x 57 mm
GEH MOD2 IP66IP66 box for loop modules metric thread / dimensions: 130 x 94 x 57 mm
GEH MOD3 IP66Case for loop modules IP 66 for BX-MDI8 180 x 94 x 57 mm
HAT 02Break switch HAT 02
JB-Y(ST)Y 1X2X0,8BLFA cable blue 2x0,8 shielded f. hazardous areas (-20 to +105°C)
JB-Y(ST)Y 1X2X0,8RTFA cable red 2x0,8 shielded
KAB 1*2*0,8 S HFFA cable red 1x2x0,8 shielded HF
KAB 2X2,5Cable YMM 2x2,5 grey
KAB 3*1,5Cable YMM-J 3x1,5 no print,red
KAB 3*2,5Cable YMM-J 3x2,5 no print,red
KAB 3X0,6 GRCable YYSCH3x0,6 grey, 100m
KAB 5*0,6 GRCable YYSCH 5x0,6 grey, 100m
KAB USB 3USB Cable 3m
KAB USB 45USB Cable 4.5m
KBKN-90GR-AD10Cable bend protection 90 degree bend
KUP 15RJ45Coupling 15Sub-D RJ45 with Sub-D connector
KUP 9RJ45Coupling 9Sub-D RJ45 with Sub-D connector
MM ANB M12Screw connection M12
MM ANB M16Extension connection joint M16
MM ANB M20Screw connection M20
MM GM M12Coutnernut M12
MM GM M16Lock nut M16
MM GM M20Counternut M 20
MM GM M25Counternut M25
MM HS35Top hat rail 35mm- L460mm
MM KBH KLCable holding clip
MM REL220/10ARelay 220V-WS-3UK-10A
MM REL24/10ARelay 24V-GS-3UK-10A
MM REL24/5ARelay 24V-GS-4UK- 5A
MM RELS 3UKRelay base 3UK with FD
MM RELS 4UKRelay base 4UK with FD
MM RR M20 - M12Reduction ring M20-M12
MM RR M25 - M12Reduction ring M25-M12
MM SN M20Step nipple PG 16
MM WID 11KResistor MS 11K 0,25W
MM WID 560RResistor 560R 0,5W
MM WQV6Cross connection f.WSI 6
MMK 200/350Detector mounting console for detector base
MON SET GKFitting set for rubber cap
MS 850-1Adapter-Set for EZ 800-1
MS LKS 4-8Screw 4x8
MS ZS 05Cylinder head screws M5 x 8 1 packing unit = 2000 pcs.
ORS 142Opt.Smoke Switch ORS 142
PD FRBColor cassette f prot. printer
RAS BSIKS25Mounting clip type IKS d25
RAS BSIKS40Mounting clip type IKS d40
S BKKLDetector label small
S GRSticker grey ring by MTD 533 as Heat detector
S MBK GRHDetector inscription label for high ceilings, both sides printed
S MBK GRH2Detector inscription label for high ceilings, unprinted
S SEALSecurity Seal 3-color printed
S USB501Inscription label f. USB 501-1
S ZWBDSticker "Brandmelder" r/w
SAB 04 SETSignal indicator set SAB 04
SCU LOCK KEYKey for cabinet
SIHF-O 2X0,75Cable for high temp. Detectors Operating temperature: -50°C to +18°C
SKORBProtecting basket f. detectors
SMA0207Resisitor 19,1K metal 0,1%
ST-B3 16Connector for modules 16-pin
ST-PSU EVConnector f. external consumer for B3-PSU5, B5-PSU, B4-PSU3 and B6-PSU
STBLECHBaffle plate for cable shafts 130 x 130 mm
STBLECH GBaffle plate for cable shafts 300 x 300 mm
STP-C(L)2Y-100 KAT.7Ground cable CAT7 4x2xAWG23 for Integral LAN/WAN/MMI-Bus
SUB-D 25 GEHSUB-D housing f. 25 pin plug
SUB-D 25F LÖTSUB-D jack 25 pin
SUB-D 25M LÖTSUB-D plug 25 pin
SZG 850-1Control unit f keysafe FSS 850
TDS 247Thermo Switch TDS 247
TK PC 1309-6-MIP66 box for loop modules dimensions: 130 x 94 x 57 mm - OUTDOOR
TK PC 1313-7-MBox for BX-O2I4-HP, IP66, Outdoor
TK PC 1809-6-MBox for BX-MDI8,IP 66, suitable for outdoor use
TK PC 99-6-MIP66 box for loop modules dimensions: 94 x 94 x 57 mm - OUTDOOR
TK PS 1313-7-MBox for BX-O2I4-HP, IP66, Indoor
U9VL-J-PBattery for BX-MDH
UIO GEHPlastic box for UIO metric thread
UIO KAB 3434-pin flat cable with plug
UIO KAB 4040-pin flat cable with plug
UIO STPMounting plate for module UIO
UM 45-FLK 34Clamping ring stainless steel for UIO plug X4
UM 45-FLK 40UIO Connection module 40-pin for UIO plug X3
UTP 100 FRHData cable INTEGRAL LAN, halogen-free
Z787F SIG-Fuse 50mA F 5x20
ZN 60323Locking pin for keysafe
ZUB SICH 1TG-Fuse 1A T 5x20
ZUB SICH 2,5TG-Fuse 2,5A T 5x20 1packing unit = 10 pcs.
ZUB SICH 2.5FFG-Fuse 2,5 A FF 5x20
ZUBEHÖRSET FSZAccessory kit for FSZ Basic
39- Services
IBN 1d FASCommissioning support daily rate (8 hours)
IBN 1h FASCommissioning support hourly rate
SF-VPNService fee VPN connection
SF-VPN 5Service fee VPN connection 5 years